Welcome to Bryan's
Professional Portfolio

I'm an aspiring software engineer! My hobbies include playing badminton, reading light novels and webtoons, and watching anime. Currently learning full stack development, and hope to grow a lot as a software engineer. I am in my last year to complete my Computer Science MS degree at UCSB!




6 month capstone project with Invoca to create a full stack web app, providing call information in a single view. Produced an intuitive multi-cloud service, showing sales agents additional call information including important keywords, a summary, and sentiment analysis - obtained from near real-time call transcriptions

  • Mongo
  • Express
  • React
  • Node

My Memories

Using the MERN tech stack, this basic social media app allows users to create, like, edit, and delete posts. Functionalities differ depending on ownership of post. Fully responsive website and includes authentication through google oauth or native user database.

  • Mongo
  • Express
  • React
  • Node

Pacman AI

Built Pacman AI with the capabilities to solve puzzles against two ghost computers. Implemented evaluation function and expectimax function as the ghosts had a 50% change to go in a random direction or go towards the player. Operates at a 70% success rate over a medium-sized map.

  • Python

Chat With Me

Built fully functional real-time chat app using React, GraphQL, and Node. Supports multiple chat rooms and concurrent users. Winner of "Best React + GraphQL App" Category at SB Hacks VIII.

  • React
  • GraphQL
  • Node

Icebreaker Bot

Created a Discord Bot using Discord.js. Functionalities include interactive music player, group icebreaker games, and urban dictionary lookup. Finalist in "Best Beginner Hack" Category at SB Hacks VII, and currently active in over 40 servers.

  • Discord.js


Implemented 1-2 player game using Java Swing and Java Graphics. Created weak AI for single player mode. 2-D shooting game includes life bar, ammunition bar, as well as an aiming device.

  • Java

Coronavirus Classifier

Created a Naive Bayes Classifier model on Coronavirus datasets. Trained to predict whether a given test subject would survive or pass away. Trained and validated using public datasets with 200,000+ data points.

  • C++

Figma Conversion

Created a modern style UI/UX design using a Figma template. Wrote CSS and frontend using React, and used media queries to make entire web app fully responsive. Currently filled with placeholder text, but learned a lot about positioning and styling through this Figma template conversion.

  • React
  • Figma
  • CSS


I've worked with a range of technologies in the web development world, from frontend to backend to design. My preferred tech stack is the MERN stack.

  • Front-End

    Experience with

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node and Databases

  • UI/UX

    Experience with
    tools like Figma

About Me

I first started my journey in high school, where I took my first computer science class. I loved it. Being able to solve problems with creative solutions and building out whatever I could imagine was spectacular! Follow my journey through the years as I slowly gain more experience with software engineering.







Leadership positions

